Our Facility

AeroLEDs™ has established itself as the industry pioneer and leader of LED-based aircraft lighting. Year after year we continue to dominate the Aerospace lighting market from our “Brick & Mortar” manufacturing plant here in Boise, Idaho – USA.

Operating under the highest standard of quality, our manufacturing facility has been audited by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and has been issued a Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA # PQ5259NM). The PMA designation authorizes our facility to produce and sell approved FAA-PMA LED lighting products directly to aircraft operators and aircraft parts distributors.  

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WAT and AeroLEDs share a profound commitment to aviation, consistently placing high value on producing innovative, high-quality products that enhance aviation safety. This deal represents more than just a business transaction; it signifies the union of two like-minded entities dedicated to understanding and prioritizing the needs and values of the aviation community.